
Protecting Your AC from Winter Weather: Snow, Ice, and Freezing Temps

Winter is a season of cozy blankets, warm drinks, and holiday celebrations. But amidst all the comfort, it’s important not to overlook the care your air conditioning unit needs during these colder months. Just as you prepare your home for winter, it’s essential to extend that consideration to your AC system. Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures can take a toll on your AC if not properly protected. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to ensure your AC remains in top shape, ready to provide cool relief when the warmer months return.

Why Winter AC Protection Matters

Your air conditioning unit may not be in use during winter, but it’s still exposed to the elements. Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures can lead to moisture accumulation, corrosion, and damage to delicate components. By safeguarding your AC unit, you’re ensuring its longevity and performance when it’s time to use it again.

Step 1: Cleaning and Maintenance

Start by giving your AC unit a thorough cleaning. Remove any debris, leaves, or dirt that might have accumulated during the fall. Clean the exterior and the surrounding area to prevent any clogs or blockages.

Cleaning the Exterior

Gently hose down the exterior of the unit to remove dirt and dust. Make sure to turn off the power before cleaning and avoid using harsh chemicals that might damage the unit’s finish.

changing-home-air-filter-oboys-heating-and-air-protecting-your-ac-from-winter-weatherChanging Filters

Clean or replace air filters before winter sets in. Dirty filters can restrict airflow and strain the system, leading to potential issues in the future.

Inspecting for Damage

Check for any visible damage or wear and tear. If you notice any issues, it’s best to address them before winter. This prevents further deterioration caused by freezing and thawing.

Step 2: Shielding from Snow and Ice

Snow and ice can be detrimental to your AC unit. Shielding it properly can prevent moisture accumulation, which can lead to rust and corrosion.

Covering the Unit

Use a breathable cover specifically designed for AC units. This cover will shield the unit from snow and ice while allowing moisture to escape, preventing condensation.

Elevating Above Ground

Place a piece of wood or bricks under the unit’s base. Elevating it slightly prevents it from sitting in pooled water as the snow melts.

Creating Airflow

While covering the top of the unit, ensure there’s a slight overhang to promote airflow. This prevents the cover from sticking to the unit and allows proper ventilation.

Step 3: Sealing and Insulation

Sealing gaps and insulating pipes is crucial to protect your AC from cold drafts and moisture.

Caulking Around the Unit

Seal gaps around the unit’s connections and openings with caulk. This prevents cold air from seeping in and warm air from escaping, maintaining a stable environment.

Insulating Pipes

Insulate exposed pipes with foam sleeves. This prevents freezing and minimizes the risk of cracks due to temperature fluctuations.

Step 4: Professional Servicing


Enlist the help of a professional HVAC technician to ensure your AC is winter-ready.

Pre-Winter Servicing

Schedule a pre-winter maintenance appointment. The technician will inspect your unit, make necessary repairs, and offer advice on winter care.

Post-Winter Checkup

After winter, schedule another appointment to ensure your AC emerged unscathed. This proactive approach prevents any hidden issues from escalating.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Don’t fall into the traps that might compromise your AC’s well-being.

Ignoring Maintenance

Neglecting routine maintenance increases the chances of costly breakdowns and reduces your AC unit’s lifespan.

Using Incorrect Covers

Using plastic or non-breathable materials as covers can trap moisture, causing more harm than protection.

Neglecting Draining

Ensure that water drainage pathways are clear to prevent water from pooling around the unit.

orange-cat-sleeping-on-white-bed-oboys-heating-and-air-protecting-your-ac-from-winter-weatherThe Benefits of Winter AC Protection

Investing time and effort into winter AC protection offers several advantages.

Extended Lifespan

Regular maintenance and winter care add years to your AC unit’s life, saving you from premature replacement.

Energy Efficiency

A well-maintained AC unit operates efficiently, lowering your energy bills when you start using it again.

Preventive Cost Savings

Avoid costly repairs by addressing issues early on, preventing them from escalating into major problems.


Winter doesn’t mean you should forget about your AC. By following these steps and providing proper protection, you ensure your AC’s longevity, efficiency, and optimal performance when you need it most. So, give your AC some winter love, and it will reward you with cool comfort in the seasons ahead.