little white house with yellow leaves during fall - O'Boys Heating & Air winterizing hvac system

Winterizing Your HVAC System: Protecting Your Furnace and Home

Winter is just around the corner, and it's time to prepare your…
man and woman holding new house key - O'Boys Heating & Air DIY Furnace Maintenance Tips

DIY Furnace Maintenance Tips for Homeowners: What You Can Do

In today's world, where every penny counts, homeowners are always…
trees covered with snow - O'Boys Heating & Air Winterizing AC Unit

Why Winterizing Your AC Unit Matters: Preventing Costly Repairs

As the chilly winds of winter approach, the last thing on your…
brown-leafed-tree-oboys heating & air - HVAC-System

How Should I Prepare My HVAC System for Fall?

As the leaves start to change and the temperatures begin to drop,…

Protecting Your AC from Winter Weather: Snow, Ice, and Freezing Temps

Winter is a season of cozy blankets, warm drinks, and holiday…

Choosing the Right Air Filter for Your HVAC System

If you own a home with a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning…

Stay Cool at the Minnesota State Fair: Tips for Beating the Heat

With the fair just around the corner, anticipation is building…
forest in the winter with snow-call-oboys-heating-and-air-benefits-of-regualr-furnace-tune-ups

The Benefits of Regular Furnace Tune-Ups: Longevity and Performance

As the days, unfortunately, grow shorter and the air becomes…

Removing and Storing Window AC Units for the Winter: A Step-by-Step Guide

As the chill of winter approaches, it's time to prepare your…